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The 34th Annual Rockport HummerBird Celebration

Megan, a little girl, playing with blocks

If you just want to be in Rockport to go fishing, that’s OK. We will allow it. We see you. I see you. If you’re looking for more, I see you too. I also see my 2-year-old daughter Megan. Incidentally, I see her a lot and she usually asks for more. For her, “more” usually covers categories like milk, crackers, water, hugs, and trips at my side. Like her dad, she loves animals, and the best amount of animals is always more.

 I see why we have 34 years of the Hummerbird Celebration. It has something for pretty much anyone. The 700-acre Barnhart Ranch Birding and Nature Field Trip is a highlight, and if I have the time, I will attend both photography classes! Our friend Cissy Beasley is providing the keynote address: A Pictorial Celebration of Indigenous and Migratory South Texas Birds. Goose Island is a few hundred feet away, so it’s a good opportunity to check the place out! 

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Our RV park is walking distance from a boat launch and includes access to a 500-foot private fishing pier and a Texas-sized swimming pool. St. Charles Bay RV Park has been in business more than forty years.